Doug Lemov's field notes
Reflections on teaching, literacy, coaching, and practice.09.06.13 On ED Hirsch and Value-Added Scores in ELA

E.D. Hirsch had a fascinating piece over at the Gadfly blog this morning. (Who’d expect anything else?) His argument is that linking gains in ELA to an individual teacher, especially a Reading or English teacher, is unfair, be cause reading scores, to Hisrsch, are a proxy measure of background knowledge and building background knowledvge is…
03.14.13 Hanging Out with Scap, J. Conrad and Billy Budd

Spent the morning watching English classes at the Albany Academy (and the Albany Academy for Girls) with my old friend Alisa Scapatici, who appears to go now by “Scap”… at least to the kids. Subject for another blog but I always wanted to have a cool one syllable teacher nickname like that. Incredibly useful to see what the…