Doug Lemov's field notes

Reflections on teaching, literacy, coaching, and practice.

11.24.20 Online Teaching: Don’t Sleep on the Value of Everybody Writes

At TLAC Towers, we recently had the opportunity to watch Jake Daggett of Stellar Elementary of the Carmen Schools of Science and Technology network in Milwaukee, Wisconsin teaching his second graders about fairy tales. We appreciated his use of writing and Team TLAC’s Dillon Fisher wrote this analysis: One of our favorite things about Jake’s lesson was…

12.05.17 What’s New for our New Orleans Workshop?

The TLAC team and I are heading to New Orleans after Winter Break, doing a two-day updated Engaging Academics workshop on January 11th and 12th. We’re excited to be presenting- it’s one of our best workshops–maybe the ideal ‘introduction to TLAC workshop–but this one should be especially interesting as it includes a few significant changes that…

06.19.17 Unpacking How Will Beller Unpacks All Quiet on the Western Front

We spent some of last week watching footage of teachers from Partnership for Inner City Education– a group of Catholic schools in NYC whose mission is to develop outstanding schools that serve low-income students. We love their work generally- what’s not to love about insightful, mission-driven people making every school a little better every day- so we…